Branding, brand equity, brand story, brand elements are all terms that we use often enough in conversations while discussing the brand identity. Building an identity for an organization or an individual is going to be very important if we are going to be active in the larger public space and expect outcomes.

It could be as simple as a personal brand that you are helping an employee or a celebrity build, or an emerging organization build an online presence, or even to sustain a brand that already has a firm footing – it requires effort, patience, and consistency, in short it is a work in progress.

It is a lot to do with how people view and how they perceive you. While you have complete control over why your organization came into existence, what you wish to solve and how are you going to communicate with your target audience. You have no control over the opinions that are being formed as you roll out your business products and offerings.


Brand yes, it is a lot to do with logo, colours, collaterals, but at a deeper level what is the purpose of your brand? Why has it come into existence? Is it genuinely solving a customer problem?


What are your values and ethics? Do you respect your employees, are you environment friendly? Are you ready to give back to the society?


How are you solving this problem? What is your methodology? Do you have sufficient acumen to solve it? Are you able to consistently able to solve customer problems?


How will you conduct your business on an ongoing basis? What will be the cornerstones that define your business philosophy?

As organizations are trying differentiated approaches to stand out in a crowded marketplace, answering and addressing the 4Ps of brand will be worthwhile to create a unique brand that is respected by consumers and customers alike. Often enough we think having a lovely logo and colourful website will do the trick. That will definitely earn you eyeballs, but if you need to entrenched in the customer mind as a valuable service provider then the above 4Ps will gain customer mindshare.

Image by S.Hermann & F.Richter from Pixabay

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