Q2 Content Marketing is about continuing the momentum from Q1 Content Marketing – where you have already charted a clear plan and calendar.  It’s a wonderful period of action and assessment as well.

While you are forging ahead with the plan you have devised and many of the initiatives are marching forward to completion – it’s also a good time to see what’s paying off.

Q2 content marketing is showing the world what you have done and who you are and seeing the response in real-time. It also calls for assessing how the campaigns and efforts are received and what needs to change for more success.

Think of this phase as a launch pad for the ensuing two qu

arters and bolster your digital presence, build your prospecting base, and revitalize your existing clientele.

Being innovative and bold with your marketing campaigns works well in Q2. Irrespective of the industry you operate in dates play a vital marketing role. So, identifying key dates through April – May – June and offering discounts and brownies will win hearts and customers.


  1. Website Design & Delivery

If you don’t have a website, high time you had one. If you already have one, great, but see what more you can do with it. So, in Q2 constantly updating your website with the most recent developments is a must. Don’t allow it to be a static and dated site. Nothing can turn off your prospect more than visiting your site and reading outdated information.

So, the fact remains that – you have got to keep your website live with real-time information and refresh your site with blogs. Blogs are a huge draw with your target segment as they get to read your perspectives and also help you with SEO mapping. Enough has been said about the power of Google and yes blogs help in organic traffic and discoverability. So, your website is a gold mine and in Q2 allow it to speak for you.

“The easiest way to turn off your community members is to broadcast the same message across multiple channels. Instead, determine the kind of content that interests the members of your community in a way that is useful to them.”
– Joe Pulizzi

  1. Social Presence & Purpose

Today, the target segment is almost everywhere on all channels. If you know which platform your customers and prospects operate in – that’s killer information for you. Failing, stay active on key channels and ensure relevant information by way of white papers, articles, posts, images, and infographics are shared.

So in Q2, use the platforms to interact with your target segment and keep the conversation going. It’s not necessarily always about you, but it’s also about supporting and encouraging other peers, and prospects and building goodwill on social channels which will eventually reap dividends for you and get you noticed.

“Content marketing is really like a first date. If all you do is talk about yourself, there won’t be a second date.”
– David Beebe

  1. Thought Leadership & Mindshare

Content marketing is all about demonstrating your mastery over the subject/industry you operate in. So, in Q2 invest time and effort in building a repository of content assets – blogs, articles, white papers, interviews, infographics, videos, podcasts, and others. Not necessarily all of them have to be built from scratch – repurposing content from your existing library is also a smart approach.

However, keeping with the time and building new assets that reflect recent developments will help you stay fresh in the minds of customers. Coming up with cool new ways that are in tune with what’s happening in the world will help in making your presence felt. Be creative and sincere in your efforts and that will get you noticed.

“In a sea of mediocre content, a brave tone can be a big differentiator.”
– Ann Handley

  1. Collaterals Kit & Customization

We always miss the woods for the trees. What happens in Q2 content marketing is that – mostly we jump into the digital mediums forgetting that when it comes to a customer query a simple PowerPoint is what is required. Remember customers come in all shapes and sizes. Many are not present on any of the social platforms so want to view your collaterals to get to know you. So, in Q2 you have to have a collateral suite so that you can plug and play.

What’s more important is having different versions of the same information, e.g. WhatsApp flier, a PowerPoint Presentation, a 4-page brochure, a 2-page Flier, a 1-page Elevator Pitch, and so on. Also, have the ability to customize these collaterals to suit the conversation you have had with the customer.

 “These days, people want to learn before they buy, be educated instead of pitched.”
– Brian Clark

If you are reading this now, it’s the fag end of March and the perfect time to ponder on the above and compare to where you stand in the content marketing department.

Even if you have not done all of the above, it’s still a good time to start and ensure your content marketing is the reason for tangible business outcomes.

And yes, you can read more of my blogs on Branding and Content Marketing right here. And would love to talk to you to discuss your content marketing goals for your organization – bhuvanarajaram9@gmail.com or + 91 98415 96366.

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