There are over 3.9 billion email users worldwide and its popularity only seems to be increasing. Love it or hate it email is here to stay and is still one of the most reliable sources of communication. Specially in a business context, it is by far the most used mode of communication within the office and externally as well. Given this fact, how can you ensure your email are effective and engaging?
- Subject Line:
When each one of us getting hundreds of emails in a day, how can you make yours stand out? The subject line is the first touchpoint with your recipient. He/She determines if they should open the email based on the subject line. So, make it attention grabbing without making it too long, but clearly indicating what they can expect from this email. Never ever send an email without subject text.
- Salutations:
Start with greeting the reader and addressing them appropriately with Ms.Mrs. Mr, Hello and so on. If you are on familiar terms only address them by first name else stick to the formal way of addressing. Adding a line or two to wish them well will be welcome, instead of being direct with your query, but do not overdo it and tread with caution.
- Body Text:
This is where your main message appears, so break it down into logical paragraphs and present correct information through. If you seek an action out of it, indicate that clearly by when you require and what. Do not leave your email open ended allowing the reader to form his/her conclusions. Also end the email on a pleasant note with whatever greeting is appropriate in that context.
- Auto Signature:
The auto sign always gives a professional look to the site, make it simple but with the correct links and addresses. For e.g. your full name, social links, phone number, website and address if required. This will help the recipient of your email know a little more about your organization, you and make them reach back to you quickly.
- Fonts:
Stick to organization prescribed fonts if any, otherwise use a standard font always, this will help the reader identify you with the font. Multiple fonts can confuse the reader and better to avoid too many fonts within the email too.
- Colours:
As with the case with fonts, colours too don’t overuse them and make your email look like a painting. Instead use one to two colours selectively just to highlight the key elements within the email. Use bullets, bold, italics to emphasize the
- Reply SLAs:
Best is to acknowledge emails and reply to them within the set SLA time that you have set for yourself. Don’t ignore emails, however if some warrant a quick phone call do that. But don’t miss taking action on any of the emails you receive
- Coffee Rule:
Do not react to emails that upset you or make you angry. Get up and step put for a coffee break before you reply a strongly worded email. Most often we end up doing this and regret much later. So, use the email selectively and not as instrument to showcase your anger and frustrations.
- Precautions:
Remember email is an official mode of communication specially in a business context. So, avoid any sort of confrontations over an email and use it as a primary mode of communication to share information and seek updates.
- Judicious Use:
All this said about emails, see how many of them require action through a phone call, or face to face meeting or even a casual chat over a coffee. Let’s avoid spamming everyone’s inboxes with too many emails. Also copy people only who have stakes in the issue being discussed, avoid bringing in the entire team in an email thread.